Introducing NCIS Trade Rentals
Things just keep on growing here at NCIS! Allow us to introduce you to NCIS Trade Rentals!
Two great companies have joined together to bring you a 'one stop shop' for all your training, recruitment and hire needs. When we can do it all, why would you need to go elsewhere?!
This is a very exciting merge and one that we are extremely proud to be part of. We have worked with Trade Rentals Limited for numerous years and know they are a professional and reputable company, which is why we were super keen to join forces!
NCIS Trade Rentals is UK-wide, with machinery/tools etc. delivered to your premises - you can even hire a driver for the machines from us if no one on your site is able to operate it. Like we said, one stop shop! Look out for more exciting news coming over the next few weeks on our social media pages - NCIS LTD and NCIS Trade Rentals.
It looks like it's going to be a busy year for us here as things start to get back to normal! Our IPAF, PASMA and Asbestos Training courses are already looking to be in demand as the year goes on, and remember we deliver this UK-wide! Our Teesside premises might be our head office but we don't only operate from there.
Here's to hoping we all have a much better 2021; keep checking back for further updates on our exciting plans.